

5/10   10年国債利回り 1.89%
5/10   ダウ平均 15,118 +35



クルーグマン教授は5/9NYT ”Bernanke, Blower of Bubbles(バーナンキ議長はバブルの送風機か)” というコラムでバブルの懸念はないので、今の金融緩和を推し進めるべきであると主張している。以下は、その抄訳。


So do we have a major bond and/or stock bubble? On bonds, I’d say definitely not. On stocks, probably not, although I’m not as certain.
What is a bubble, anyway? Surprisingly, there’s no standard definition. But I’d define it as a situation in which asset prices appear to be based on implausible or inconsistent views about the future. Dot-com prices in 1999 made sense only if you believed that many companies would all turn out to be a Microsoft; housing prices in 2006 only made sense if you believed that home prices could keep rising much faster than buyers’ incomes for years to come.



Why, then, all the talk of a bond bubble? Partly it reflects the correct observation that interest rates are very low by historical standards. What you need to bear in mind, however, is that the economy is also in especially terrible shape by historical standards — once-in-three-generations terrible. The usual rules about what constitutes a reasonable level of interest rates don’t apply.



And one should never forget the example of Japan, where bets against government bonds — justified by more or less the same arguments currently made to justify claims of a U.S. bond bubble — ended in grief so often that the whole trade came to be known as the “widow maker.” At this point, Japan’s debt is well over twice its G.D.P., its budget deficit remains large, and the interest rate on 10-year bonds is 0.6 percent. No, that’s not a misprint.

日本国債に売りを仕掛けた投機筋はことごとく敗れ去れ、”widow market(未亡人の市場)”と呼ばれたほどだ。


O.K., what about stocks? Major stock indexes are now higher than they were at the end of the 1990s, which can sound ominous. It sounds a lot less ominous, however, when you learn that corporate profits — which are, after all, what stocks are shares in — are more than two-and-a-half times higher than they were when the 1990s bubble burst. Also, with bond yields so low, you would expect investors to move into stocks, driving their prices higher.


All in all, the case for significant bubbles in stocks or, especially, bonds is weak. And that conclusion matters for policy as well as investment.


In fact, however, there isn’t any case for believing that we face any broad bubble problem, let alone that worrying about hypothetical bubbles should take precedence over the task of getting Americans back to work. Mr. Bernanke should brush aside the babbling barons of bubbleism, and get on with doing his job.


ロイター http://jp.reuters.com/investing/news/stocks
UPDATE1: 資産買い入れ縮小すべき、緩和出口は難しい舵取りに=カンザスシティー連銀総裁
2013年 05月 11日 08:18 JST

 [ジャクソンホール(米ワイオミング州) 10日 ロイター] 米カンザスシティー地区連銀のジョージ総裁は10日、連邦準備理事会(FRB)は資産買い入れを縮小し、バランスシートの拡大リスクを軽減すべきとの見解を示した。講演で述べた。
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