もちろんプロ・ビジネスの安倍政権には出来ないことだろうが、クルーグマン教授は、4/3 NYTのコラム“Power and Paychecks”でマクドナルドの賃金引上げについて論じている。http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/03/opinion/paul-krugman-power-and-paychecks.html?_r=0
多くの人が共有する問題は、Most people would surely agree that stagnant wages, and more broadly the shrinking number of jobs that can support middle-class status, are big problems for this country.であるが、それへの対処はお手上げで、But the general attitude to the decline in good jobs is fatalistic. Isn’t it just supply and demand?
アメリカの労働者の多くは、国際競争にされされているのではない。but the great majority of American workers are employed in service industries that aren’t exposed to international trade.と指摘する。
結論は、We can, in fact, raise wages significantly if we want to. である。
賃上げすると人件費が増えて雇用が失われるという俗論に対して、But the comparison(コストコとウオールマートの賃金の比較)nonetheless suggests that paying higher wages costs employers a lot less than you might think.と否定する。
And the overwhelming conclusion from all that evidence is that the effect you might expect to see — higher minimum wages leading to fewer jobs — is weak to nonexistent. Raising the minimum wage makes jobs better; it doesn’t seem to make them scarcer.
a moderate push might be all it takes to persuade much of American business to turn away from the low-wage strategy that has dominated our society for so many years.