スティグリッツ教授によるアベノミクス論: Japan Is a Model

6/9NYT スティグリッツ教授 Japan Is a Model, Not a Cautionary Tale

全体でA4 8枚の長編。前半4/8では安倍以前の日本の状況をレビューし、日本は思われているほど悪くはなかったと解説する。いわく、01年から10年までの労働年齢人口一人当たりのGDPの伸びはアメリカ、ドイツ、イギリスを上回っている、と。経済測定の尺度を拡張(ジニ係数、平均余命率、大学進学率、失業率など)すると、日本はアメリカよりはるかに良くやってきた(And if we broaden the range of metrics we consider, we see that even after two decades of “malaise,” Japan’s performance is far superior to that of the United States.)、とまで述べる。そうまで言われるとアベノミクスは必要なかったのかと突っ込みたくなるが、安倍首相の言葉を引用して「大きな自信の喪失(a deep loss of confidence)」を回復するために必要なのである。

1. TPP
2. 税


Of course, not everyone is convinced: though Japan reported a robust 3.5 percent annualized growth rate for the first quarter of this year, the stock market has dipped from a five-year high amid doubts about whether “Abenomics” will go far enough. But we shouldn’t read anything into short-term stock fluctuations. Abenomics is, without a doubt, a huge step in the right direction.



WITH his three-pronged approach — structural, monetary and fiscal policies — Mr. Abe, who took office last December, has done what America should have done long ago. Though the structural policies have not been fully fleshed out, they are likely to include measures aimed at increasing labor-force participation, especially among women, and hopefully by facilitating employment for the large number of healthy elderly. Some have suggested encouraging immigration as well. These are areas in which the United States has done well in the past, and are crucial for Japan to address, for the sake of both growth and inequality.


Other likely reforms address the fact that Japan, like other advanced industrial countries, needs to go through some major structural transformations — moving from a manufacturing economy to a service-sector economy, and adapting to the dramatic changes in global comparative advantage, to the realities of climate change, and to the challenges of an aging population. While its powerful manufacturing sector has long showed good productivity growth, other sectors have lagged. Japan has the potential to extend its demonstrated innovativeness to the service sector.


With an aging population, increased efficiencies in the health care sector will be crucial; combining its manufacturing and technological prowess with new diagnostic devices is an example of an arena in which it can make global breakthroughs. Investments in research and higher education will help ensure that young Japanese have the skills and mind-set needed to succeed in globalization. Markets don’t make these structural transformations easily on their own. And that’s why government cutbacks in such situations are particularly foolish.


In fact, that is one reason the second pillar of Abenomics, its fiscal stimulus, is so important. Stimulus is needed, as we should have all learned, to increase aggregate demand. But it’s also needed to complete the structural transformation. Investments in infrastructure, research and education promise high dividends. Yet just as deficit hawks blocked stronger action in the United States, critics claim thatJapan, with a debt that is more than twice the size of its G.D.P., is not in a position to pursue this critical aspect of the new policies. They point to the fact that Japan’s indebtedness coincides with its long period of low growth. But even here, the data tell a more nuanced story. It is not the debt that caused the slow growth, but the slow growth that caused the deficit. Growth would have been even slower had the government not stimulated the economy.


What’s more, the foundation of austerity advocates’ logic — that high levels of debt-spending always slow growth, anywhere in the world — has been debunked. Europe is providing ever more evidence that austerity breeds austerity, which brings on recession and depression.


The final facet of Abenomics is its monetary policy, which reinforces stimulus with monetary stimulus. We should have learned that monetary stimulus — even strong and unprecedented actions like quantitative easing — has, at most, limited effects. Attention is focused on reversing deflation, which I believe is mainly a concern because it is a symptom of underutilization. While weakening the yen’s exchange rate will make Japanese goods more competitive and thus stimulate the economy’s growth, this is the reality of the international interdependence of monetary policy. It is equally true that the Federal Reserve’s policy of “quantitative easing” weakens the dollar. We can look forward to a day when global coordination improves in this area.


AS the pieces of evidence fall into place, the pressing issue turns out to be not whether Abenomics is a good plan, but how the United States could achieve a similarly integrated plan, and what the consequences would be if it fails. The obstacle is not economic science but, as usual, America’s raging political battles. For example, despite austerity advocates’ dubious intellectual foundation, we have allowed public expenditures to slip in all sorts of areas, including those necessary for ensuring a future of shared prosperity. As a result, even as some states’ financial situations start to edge toward improvement, public employment is still some 500,000 lower than it was before the crisis; the decrease in jobs has occurred almost completely at the state and local level. To regain the pre-recession levels of employment and public services is a tremendous task, to say nothing of bringing them to where they would have been without a recession. (If the economy had been expanding normally, public employment would have increased significantly.) With inequality still high, the burdens are being felt, disproportionately, by our country’s most vulnerable.


A major theme of my research has been that any country pays a high price for its inequality. Societies can have higher growth and more equality — the two are not mutually exclusive. Abenomics has already laid out some policies aimed to produce both. And one hopes that as further details are worked out, that there will be more policies that promote greater gender equality in the labor market will tap into one of that country’s underutilized resources. It will enhance growth, efficiency, and equality. Mr. Abe’s plan also reflects an understanding that monetary policy can only go so far. One needs to have coordinated monetary, fiscal and structural policies.


Those who see Japan’s performance over the last decades as an unmitigated failure have too narrow a conception of economic success. Along many dimensions — greater income equality, longer life expectancy, lower unemployment, greater investments in children’s education and health, and even greater productivity relative to the size of the labor force — Japan has done better than the United States. It may have quite a lot to teach us. If Abenomics is even half as successful as its advocates hope, it will have still more to teach us.
