Paul Krugman: the group of us ought to go to Tokyo and apologise to the emperor.




Lunch with the FT: Paul Krugman
By Martin Wolf Last updated: May 26, 2012 12:11 am

The Nobel Prize-winning professor of economics talks to Martin Wolf about what Japan got right, what the Federal Reserve got wrong and how the eurozone can be saved

We have already gone straight into the issues. The conversation turns to the Japanese crisis of the 1990s. In retrospect, I suggest, the Japanese seem to have managed the aftermath of their crisis quite well.
He agrees. “What we thought was that Japan was a cautionary tale. It has turned into Japan as almost a role model. They never had as big a slump as we have had. They managed to have growing per capita income through most of what we call their ‘lost decade’. My running joke is that the group of us who were worried about Japan a dozen years ago ought to go to Tokyo and apologise to the emperor. We’ve done worse than they ever did. When people ask: might we become Japan? I say: I wish we could become Japan.”
At this point we order: salade niçoise(南フランスのニース地方でとれる野菜をたっぷりと使ったサラダ)for Krugman; foie gras terrine(フォアグラのテリーヌ)for me; and a bottle of sparkling water. This is definitely not going to be up to the gourmet standards of some lunches with the FT.